What’s that saying? “Better late than never?” Yeah, that’s it. We are 3.5 months into this year, and I haven’t even started on my New Year resolution. Notice I said not started, rather than broke, the resolution. I knew at the get-go that I had a lot of photography excursions planned for 2013, and wanted to blog them, but then the excursions got in the way of having time – LOL! So I have decided to start at the beginning of the year and bring you the highlights.
Late afternoon January 12 I was on my way to Richmond, Virginia, to shoot photos of the city at Night. As I drove I remarked to myself that the sky was a lovely blue with lots of clouds – portending of great photos! But just as I approached the downtown area to park at the Main Street Station the fog rolled in! My first thought was that the evening was ruined, but I know from experience that bad weather had a way of adding to a photo. So I persevered in the fog and was delighted with my results.
This one may be a bit controversial. Some may say it is “ruined” by the lens flare, but I liked the bullseye effect. Your thoughts?
Ron Nicol
19 Apr 2013Great photos, Deb. The fog makes them quite interesting.
Deb Snelson
19 Apr 2013Thanks, Ron! My thoughts, too.